Saturday, March 10, 2007

Last Words About Anna Nicole Smith...

Everybody is tired of the stories revolving around the death of Anna Nicole Smith. But what one person has not been touched by the tragedy of it all?
Last night I prayed that Anna's baby girl would not be raised by her grandmother. Since Anna's death, I can understand why she hated her mother so much.
After experiencing a poor relationship with my own mother, I can relate to Anna Nicole Smith's feelings about her mother. I know the heartache of being raised by a mother who is harsh and who represents unadulterated evil.
Child abuse in any form is still child abuse whether it is emotional, physical, psychological, verbal, or sexual.
I could say more about it, however, enough is enough.
Let's just pray that the DNA test(s) will be done quickly so that Anna's baby girl will know her biological father and be able to call him "Daddy" and find a permanent home where she will be loved for who she is ... as an individual person ...
Amen !!!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Progress of Technology In Our Homes ...

I finally got tired of Dial-Up to get on the Internet and hooked up to DSL this morning. What a huge difference it makes!
When I was growing up, I watched television on a black and white set. I remember seeing it in the kitchen. I watched the funeral of JFK with our maid. I even watched Lawrence Welk on Saturday nights. This television set was the only one in our house.
A few years later, we had our own record player. We listened to Christmas albums during the Christmas season. Later on, my brothers and I listened to our favorite rock groups - The Carpenters, The Monkees, Herman's Hermits, and The Mamas and The Papas - only to name a few. And this record player was the only one in our house.
Now, in 2007, each person (in the family) owns his/her personal cell phone, CD player, computer, TV, and perhaps a laptop computer as well.
Whatever happened to the concept of sharing our possessions with our families? I think, like Dial-Up, it is becoming a part of the past ...

Friday, February 2, 2007

February Snow ...

Snow, snow, snow! The snow came in on Thursday, February 1. While the scenery is beautiful, the cold is really freezing!
This is Friday, February 2. With the temperatures remaining just barely above 30 degrees, the snow has still not melted.
The fog is definitely tremendous today in the mountains. It is 11:00 a.m. and the fog has not lifted out of the mountains.
The county schools have been closed Thursday and Friday this week due to the snow. The North Georgia mountains have not experienced a snow like this in about two years. Most places around here received about three to four inches of snow.
The snow is good for the creeks, streams, and rivers in the county. I have certainly enjoyed hearing the creek close to our log cabin. There has even been some white water in the creek this winter - which is quite unusual for our little creek.
It is almost impossible to believe that spring is just around the corner ...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Life Is A Struggle ...

As a child, I never understood the realities involved in being an adult. I grew up in a protected environment. I remember my childhood almost appearing to be carefree - at least - to those outside of our family circle.
Since turning fifty last year, life has become much more difficult for me. Being a responsible adult means constantly dealing with life's realities on a daily basis. This means taking care of everything in a timely manner. To me, it is like swimming against the current.
I cannot count how many times I have failed in one area or another. It is like I am still searching for myself. How can this still be happening at the age of fifty?
I am a responsible adult, however, I have not experienced success in my chosen career.
I take part-time jobs outside the home just to pay the bills. I live paycheck to paycheck each month.
I have the ability to change my attitude.
I am not in the place where God wants me to be ...

Friday, January 12, 2007

With Each New Year Comes ...

The promise of a new year brings so much new anticipation. Is that why we make New Year's Resolutions?
The dictionary defines resolution as a "firm determination" or describes it as an "act of resolving to do something" or "a course of action determined or decided upon."
As human beings, we probably hope everything will be different in a new year. However, the realities of life never go away - even during the Christmas season.
Whatever it is - it is a matter of choice. I can choose to be miserable - like everybody else - or I can choose to be whatever I feel is right for me.
Anyway, I think I have stopped making New Year's Resolutions because I cannot make them stick throughout the coming year.
Instead, I am focusing on my daily priorities. That means I can take one day at a time.
Whatever I feel is right is important to me.
That's how things should be in my world ...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

As The Snow Blows ...

This is the writing of my first blog on January 11, 2007. This is also my second attempt at blogging on the same website. I started writing a blog last year, but I didn't stick to it.
Although this is a new blog, the same problems exist as when I wrote on the old one.
If you are a writer, you know exactly what I am talking about. The hardships I am experiencing on a daily basis are not new.
It is time management of the daily routines of everyday life and living.
Taking care of a household and of one husband and four cats and working part-time outside the home while trying to establish a home-based business is not easy to do. And while I do not have children, at least my time is my own ... I still cannot get everything together.
Now, when I was younger, that was a different story. I managed church and school activities with ease. College was not a problem either. But, that was more than 25 years ago ...
I have tried and tried to correct these problems each year. However, I am only spinning my wheels in the dirt.
Any suggestions for 2007?