Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Progress of Technology In Our Homes ...

I finally got tired of Dial-Up to get on the Internet and hooked up to DSL this morning. What a huge difference it makes!
When I was growing up, I watched television on a black and white set. I remember seeing it in the kitchen. I watched the funeral of JFK with our maid. I even watched Lawrence Welk on Saturday nights. This television set was the only one in our house.
A few years later, we had our own record player. We listened to Christmas albums during the Christmas season. Later on, my brothers and I listened to our favorite rock groups - The Carpenters, The Monkees, Herman's Hermits, and The Mamas and The Papas - only to name a few. And this record player was the only one in our house.
Now, in 2007, each person (in the family) owns his/her personal cell phone, CD player, computer, TV, and perhaps a laptop computer as well.
Whatever happened to the concept of sharing our possessions with our families? I think, like Dial-Up, it is becoming a part of the past ...

Friday, February 2, 2007

February Snow ...

Snow, snow, snow! The snow came in on Thursday, February 1. While the scenery is beautiful, the cold is really freezing!
This is Friday, February 2. With the temperatures remaining just barely above 30 degrees, the snow has still not melted.
The fog is definitely tremendous today in the mountains. It is 11:00 a.m. and the fog has not lifted out of the mountains.
The county schools have been closed Thursday and Friday this week due to the snow. The North Georgia mountains have not experienced a snow like this in about two years. Most places around here received about three to four inches of snow.
The snow is good for the creeks, streams, and rivers in the county. I have certainly enjoyed hearing the creek close to our log cabin. There has even been some white water in the creek this winter - which is quite unusual for our little creek.
It is almost impossible to believe that spring is just around the corner ...